Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bone Yard Oct Contest

This one should be pretty easy. Slight modification, not much.

Quote value: 1 point

"Maybe, I can find whole new ways to motivate them."

Good luck.

Stay tuned for Featured army segment coming a bit later today for Brian Ching's Slaanesh Daemonic Army.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Star Wars: Episode VI
Return of the Jedi

I think Darth says this to get the construction on Death Star II back on schedule.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Very good Rick. You are correct, Sir.

The worst of the 6 movies, but still a classic.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After being right on time to not know the last too, I take a long lunch and miss the one I knew in a heartbeat. Gratz Rick

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say the worst of the 6...worst of the original 3, yes, but let's face it, Episode 1, while great in setting up the story was just plain bad. Lucas's script was poorly written and Jar Jar Binks was the most annoying character of all the movies. I'd also put II below VI in terms of crapiness, only because Hayden Christensen can't act his way out of a paper bag, and Portman's skill are more suited to chick flicks, not action movies. Just my opinion.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I only have one word for you: Ewoks!!

Uggghhhh!!! Yes, I put 1 and 6 on about the same level.

I actually liked 2 and put it ahead of 1 and 6. Then 3,4 & 5 all kind of hang together.

Of course they all rock. You just have to look past the parts that annoy the hell out of you.

5:55 AM  

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