Battle Report: Dwarfs vs Skaven part II
So after I chose to go first, the horde rushed forward. Jezzails run into the tower.
In magic, he dispelled the Storm Daemon, then used spell eater on my Warp Lightning, but failed to destroy the spell. Then my warlock with the scrolls rolls a miscast. Rolls an 8 and suffers a wound from the strength 4 hit.
Setup at the beginning of the Dwarfs turn 1:
He moves around a bit, but not much.
His shooting starts with a great shot from his cannon through my Warlock with a wound on him. I make my look out sir but suffer heavy casualties. His organ gun shoots at the same clanrats but is short. The Axe thrower shoots at the Clanrats #4 with the other warlock, but rolls a 1 and misses. Woohoo!! My slave shield is useless with all his shooting units on the hill.
His Crossbowmen pelt away at the Clanrats #4 forcing a panic test but they pass.
Finally the Anvil does the d6 str 4 hits on my Jezzails in the tower. He rolls the 2+ needed and kills 2. They run out of the tower.
I felt this was a bad target. Jezzails are nasty against cavalry, but what was a good target for Jezzails in this army?? I felt it was much better to go for a ratling gun or better yet my Plague Censor bearers.
Here is the setup at the beginning of Skaven turn 2:
I run the horde up more. Not sure why I'm holding back. I think this was a mistake. I was hesitating, I think because of the damn Anvil. Never hesitate!!! I think I was waiting for flankers to come around and try and take out some of the shooting.
My tunnel runners popped up but a misfire and a 6 had the Dwarf player putting them in my far back corner. They did nothing the rest of the game.
My Jezzails did rally luckily.
In magic, he dispels the SD again, uses a rune to stop the Warp lightning from my Warlock with the SD. Then I roll a 12 with the Warlock #2. He fails to stop it, so 2d6 into the slayers. A 3 and a 1. So I kill 2 slayers and my warlock. Ugghhh!!. That hurt.
No shooting again, no hand to hand.
Here we are at the beginning of the Dwarf turn 2:
Again very little movement for the Dwarfs.
The Cannon takes a pop shot at the General. And even with only a 2" bounce, it grazes my general who fails his Look out Sir and takes a wound. This will prove costly later.
The Organ gun turns and with 8 hits destroys the gutter runner scouts coming up the flank.
The Axe thrower and crossbows deplete the Clanrats #4, but they make their panic test.
The Anvil tries to do a Master Wrath and Ruin. Fails, but rolls a 4 for the misfire and it does nothing.
So onto the Skaven turn 3:
The night runners #2 out of the woods and into the organ gun. The rat swarms charge up the hill at the Goblin hewer. Other units move around to setup flanking postiions.
Slaves #3 tried to charge the crossbowmen but fell a well short. Bad charge.
Magic was dispelled.
Shooting: Ratling gun #1 was just in range of the slayers and dropped 3. Ratling gun #2 took out 4 crossbowmen, but they made their panic test. Jezzails moved up to get in range to shoot.
In combat the swarms killed a slayer crewman but took a wound on the stand and shoot. 2 more wounds in combat and lost by 1 and crumbled to 4 wounds on 1 stand.
The Night runners killed 2 crewmen for the organ gun but the last crewman held.
Start of turn 3 for the Dwarfs:
With a very important roll, the miners come up and move up right behind my giant rats #2 at the top of the picture. Ouch. This hurt.
The crossbowmen charge, one into the flank of the swarms, the 2nd into the flank of the night runners in combat.
For shooting, the cannon takes a pot shot at my general again, but overshoots and kills a couple clanrats.
The Anvil then does low level Oath and Honor. The Miners charge the rear of the Giant rats. They stand and take it, but it doesn't matter, they are beaten, and flee into the clansmen and are Cut down. The miners restrain.
The swarms do nothing and are chopped to pieces, the crossbowmen overrun into the Longbeards.
And the 2nd Crossbowmen kill only 1 night runner. The Night runners kill a crossbowmen and the last crewman of the organ gun. But they still lose by 1. Fail their break and are Cut down by the slayers. Slaves #3 panic and run. The crossbowmen stop when they hit the slayers.
This is the end of turn 3. Things still very much up in the air, with the Dwarfs slightly up.
I forgot to take a picture here, sorry.
Skaven turn 4:
The Plague Censor bearers up in the scree hit the miners in the flank.
The plague monks hit the clansmen #2 in the front.
Clanrats #3 charge the crossbowmen who had stopped by the slayers. The crossbowmen flee.
Using my new tactic I just read about last week. The night runners are out of range of the cannon, but in range of the organ gun who's crew I had just killed. So I charge the Organ gun. Destroy it and overrun into the cannon crew. Sweet.
Slaves #3 fail to rally on Ld 8.
I meant to move the giant rats up to protect the flank of the plague monks, but for some reason had a brain fart and backed them up instead. Huh??? More mistakes.
Magic did nothing.
Shooting from Ratling #1 killed another 3 slayers. Ratling gun #2 took out all but 1 of the crossbowmen that had wiped out the swarms.
And the Jezzails did a long shot on the Goblin Hewer and killed the 2nd crewman. Only the hero was left to man it.
The PCB's killed 8 miners and ran them down, stopping just short of the table edge.
The Plague monks win combat by 3. But needing a 6 to stay, they do. Uggghhh!!??
The night runners and cannon crew will have to wait till next round to fight.
Here is the battle field at the beginning of the Dwarfs turn 4.
The clansmen charge the monks in the flank.
The slayers charge the slaves #2 who flee.
In shooting, the Goblin hewer down to only the hero shoots at Clanrats #3 and kills a few. Forget what the Anvil did here.
Crossbowmen rallied, but he rallied with his flank to my slaves. He should have turned them more to face my slaves. We thought it was close but we pulled out the arc and I was easily in the flank for the upcoming charge.
In combat the clansmen didn't kill only 1 monk. While I kill 2-3 clansmen, but I still lose by a bunch and break. I get away leaving only my banner behind. The Globadiers make their panic test.
The night runners lose two to the cannon crew, while the dwarven armor makes his 6+ save and wins combat by 1. Luckily the night runners make their Ld 5 break test.
This is the setup at the beginning of the Skaven turn 5:
As you can see, things look really interesting. The Clansmen are ripe for the picking. Stay tuned for part III coming soon.
What are you talking about here?
"Using my new tactic I just read about last week. The night runners are out of range of the cannon, but in range of the organ gun who's crew I had just killed. So I charge the Organ gun. Destroy it and overrun into the cannon crew. Sweet."
You can charge an emtpy war machine, spike it and overrun all on the same turn?
Andy H.
Yep, that is correct. Check the rulebook. I read this just last week and posted it as a new 7th ed rule change. It just happen to pop up in this game, so I used it.
See what you learn when you read the Bone Yard. ;-)
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